Neurographica is a new art form created by scribbling loosely on a page to make a variety of shapes. It’s essentially a tangled line drawing method, but with a new twist: it invites us to draw freeform lines on paper, called neurolines. As the line travels across the page, it encourages us to relax. It acts as a form of meditation as the pen creates line and shape. We’re able to disconnect from the things we’re troubled by and focus on the drawing for a few moments. Sometimes the lines cross each other to make recognizable shapes and sometimes they are just bubbles. The idea is to find a reset through the process, and leave all your fear and stress on the paper.
The theory behind Neurographica is based on the scientific study of visual thinking and pattern identification; it also draws from gestalt therapy and neuro research. Gestalt therapy is a form of therapy often used to treat anxiety and depression; it uses various forms of art therapy (drawing, painting, etc.) in an effort to help patients open up about their feelings without feeling judged or rejected.
Watch a video below about Gestalt Principles in design: